Thursday, June 13, 2013


I am having a really bad BPD day today. Depression has set in and settled down all nice and comfy in the corner of my mind.

In the past few days I have been using the email option for The Samaritans. In the beginning I was unsure. When I got a response, I was hopeful. But as I answered the questions they asked, I found myself feeling considerably worse. I'm not insinuating that they are a 'bad' group. I am just sayin that this has become a really bad day as far as emotions go. Im lonely, which is no real shock considering I have only myself to keep me company just like last week and the week before.

The movies I have been watching are no longer effective In taking my mind off things. My desire to create beautiful images and works of art has become little more than a dried up husk. I find I have no tears left to cry. I'm just feeling very....hollow.

So.. like I said. Having a rather bad emotion day.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better,